Tuesday, 28 April 2015

It's a fight to the death in Portsmouth South - or so it seems...

'May the odds be ever in your favour...' 

The various campaigns building up to general election comes across brutal at times. With potential defamatory references made by one politician on another, anything seems to be verbalised in order to deter voters on supporting one particular party. 

I'm not a huge user of metaphors, but, on this occasion it seems appropriate. The lead up to the general election is one of which many seem to be fighting to their death. Of course, I'm not being literal, but the imagery of the party leaders taking place in what many may call another Hunger Games isn't something avoidable. 

From shadowing politicians, in Portsmouth South, nothing has stuck out more than sheer determination to win. Both Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Liberal Democrat, and Flick Drummond, Conservative are passionate for the south of the city and will continue to strive in order to succeed. 

However we all know that only one will win. Who do you want it to be? 

Below is a list on what I did throughout the day with Flick Drummond. 


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